The Menu icon

is in the top left hand corner. Click this icon to display a list a menu functions.
home If you find yourself a little lost the Home menu entry will take you back to the beginning.
individuals One way to explore is to use the Name Index which lists everyone, grouped by surname. Clicking on a person's name will bring up a page with their details.
families Similarly there is a Family Index.
trees Perhaps the easiest way to get started is with the Family Tree diagrams. This menu item will list them. Click on a entry to display an interactive representation of a 'genogram' giving a graphical representation of a family tree.
map Clicking this entry will display a Google map showing the locations associated with people in this report, but only for places where the author has provided latitude and longitude coordinates.
The icon

following the name on individual, family and place pages will show map of locations associated with that individual, family or place.