Worldwide Stamp New Issues - Spain.
Last updated March 2003.
First I wish to thank Jordi Vasquez for making available
Spanish new issue information.
Click here to visit his web site.
I also wish to thank Correos y telegrafos Espana for
their permission to use of their information.
Click here to visit their web site.
- 1997, January 27. Definitive Stamps. King Juan Carlos I.
- 21p Dark green and gold. King Juan Carlos I.
- 32p Green and gold. King Juan Carlos I.
- 1997, January 30. Spanish Fauna in Danger of Extinction.
- 1997, February 28. "Juvenia '97" Youth Stamp Exhibition, Puerto de Sta. Maria.
- 1997, March 7. Stamp Day.
- 1997, March 12. Spanish Cinema.
- 21p Poster for "El viaje a ninguna parte".
- 32p Poster for "El Sur".
- 1997, March 22. World Water Day.
- 65p Caprichosa y Bano de Diana Waterfall.
- 1997, April 16. 19th-century Ships.
- 21p Frigate "Asturias".
- 32p Spanish brigantine.
These stamps were each issued in miniature sheets of four stamps.
- 1997, April 22. Metal Structures.
- 32p Puente de Vizcaya.
- 194p Estacion de Atocha.
- 1997, April 30. Centenary of the Birth of Dr. Josep Trueta i Raspall.
- 32p Joint, and portrait of Dr. Josep Trueta i Raspall.
- 1997, May 5. Europa Stamp. Myths and Legends.
- 1997, May 8. Spanish Literature.
- 21p "El Lazarillo de Tormes".
- 32p "El Seneca".
- 1997, May 17. Galician Literature Day.
- 65p Portrait of Anxel Fole.
- 1997, May 19. Definitive Stamps. King Juan Carlos I.
- 2p Green and gold. King Juan Carlos I.
- 16p Buff and gold. King Juan Carlos I.
- 1997, May 30. Spanish Comic Strips.
- 21p "The Ulises Family".
- 32p "El Guerrero del Antifaz".
- 1997, June 5. Famous People.
- 32p Portrait of Manolete (bullfighter).
- 65p Cartoon and portrait of Charlie Rivel.
- 1997, June 13. "The Age of Man".
- 21p "La Anunciacion".
- 32p "Catedral de El Burgo de Osma".
- 65p "Beato de El Burgo de Osma".
- 140p "Santo Domingo de Silos".
These four stamps were issued, together, in a miniature sheet.
- 1997, June 24. 30th European Basketball Championship.
- 1997, July 8. N.A.T.O. Summit.
- 1997, July 11. World Monument to the
Grape Harvest, Requena.
- 1997, July 24. Anniversaries.
- 21p Portrait of Antonio Canovas del Castillo (centenary of his death).
- 32p 2000th Anniversary of Elche.
- 65p 200th Anniversary of the Defence of Tenerife.
- 1997, July 30. Blue Ribbon.
- 32p Blue Ribbon emblem of peace and liberty.
- 1997, September 12. Spanish Art.
- 32p Portrait of Mariano Benlliure.
- 65p Photograph by Ortiz Echague.
- 1997, September 17. World Fishing Exhibition.
- 32p Emblem and symbolic design.
- 1997, September 24. Anniversaries.
- 21p 500th Anniversary of the Incorporation
of Melilla and Castilla.
- 32p Portrait of San Pascual Bailon (Eucharistic Congress).
- 65p Portrait of Ausias March (600th anniversary of his birth).
- 1997, September 26. World Heritage Sites.
- 21p San Julian de los Prados.
- 32p Santa Cristina de Lena.
- 1997, October 1. Conference of the
International Association and Transport and
Communications Museums.
- 1997, October 4. "Exfilna '97" National Stamp Exhibition, Gijon. Miniature sheet.
- 140p Buildings and statue.
- 1997, October 10. America Stamps. Postal Carriers.
- 1997, October 11. Inauguration of the Royal Madrid Theatre.
- 21p Portrait of Miguel Fleta.
- 32p View of the Royal Madrid Theatre.
- 1997, October 17. 500th Anniversary of the Foundation of
San Cristobal La Laguna.
- 1997, October 23. 6th World Down's Syndrome Congress.
- 1997, November 14. 150th Anniversary of the
Veterinary School of Cordoba.
- 21p Veterinary School of Cordoba.
- 1997, November 20. Christmas Stamp.
- 32p "Adoration of the Kings" (Pedro Berruguete).
- 1997, November 28. Route of the Ways to Sepharad.
- 21p Ribadavia, Ourense.
- 32p Caceres.
- 32p Cordoba.
- 65p Girona.
- 1997, December 5. Spanish Sports Success.
- 32p Telmo Zarra's Goal, Spain vs. England, 1950.
- 1998, January 12. "Xacobeo '99".
- 1998, January 30. Definitive Stamp. King Juan Carlos I.
- 70p Red and gold. King Juan Carlos I.
- 1998, February 5. Spanish Fauna in Danger of Extinction.
- 1998, February 10. Centenary of the Athletic Club of Bilbao.
- 1998, February 13. Definitive Stamp. King Juan Carlos I.
- 35p Red and gold. King Juan Carlos I.
- 1998, February 26. Spanish Comic Strips.
- 35p "Clever and Smart".
- 70p "Zipi and Zape".
- 1998, March 6. Definitive Stamp. King Juan Carlos I.
- 15p Green and gold. King Juan Carlos I.
- 1998, March 12. Tourist Hotels.
- 1998, March 16. Autonomy Statutes.
- 150p Ceuta.
- 150p Melilla.
- 1998, April 3. The Generation of 1898.
- 1998, April 17. 200th Anniversary of
the Death of Pedro Pablo Abarca.
- 35p Portrait of Pedro Pablo Abarca (Conde de Aranda).
- 1998, April 29. Spanish Literature.
- 35p "La Celestina".
- 70p "Fortunata y Jacinta".
- 1998, April 30. 18th-century Ships.
- 35p "Embarcacion Real".
- 70p "Jabeque Tajo".
- 1998, May 5. Europa Stamp. Popular Festivals.
- 70p "Foqueres de Sant Joan".
- 1998, May 18. Centenary of the Official Medical College of Madrid.
- 35p Portrait of Dr. Carlos Jimenez Diaz.
- 1998, May 28. Famous People.
- 35p Wildlife and portrait of Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente (biologist).
- 70p Portrait of Alfonso Aragon ("Fofo") (comic actor).
- 1998, June 1. 400th Anniversary of the Death of King Felipe II.
- 35p Portrait of King Felipe II.
- 1998, June 2. Centenary of the Birth of Federico Garcia Lorca.
- 35p Portrait of Federico Garcia Lorca.
- 1998, June 5. Spanish Engravers.
- 35p Portrait of Antonio Manso Fernandez, and stamp.
- 70p Portrait of J.L.L. Sanchez Toda, and stamp.
- 1998, June 12. Centenary of the Independence of the Philippines.
- 70p Emblems of culture and of the Catholic religion.
- 1998, July 10. Spanish Art.
- 35p "Hermanitos de leche" (sculpture by Aniceto Marinas Garcia).
- 1998, September 4. "Expo '98", Lisbon.
- 70p The Oceans, inheritance for the future.
- 1998, September 16. 20th International
Congress of Data Protection.
- 1998, September 18. "Exfilna '98" Stamp Exhibition, Barcelona.
700th Anniversary of Barcelona Cathedral. Miniature sheet.
- 150p Barcelona Cathedral.
- 1998, September 19. World Heritage Sites.
- 35p Fortified city of Cuenca.
- 70p "Lonja de la Seda", Valencia.
- 1998, September 25. School Correspondence Stamps. Scenes from "Don Quixote".
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
These twelve stamps were issued in a sheetlet.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
These twelve stamps were issued in a sheetlet.
- 1998, October 6. Anniversaries.
- 35p Portrait of Angel Ganivet (centenary of his death).
- 70p La Giralda, Seville (800th anniversary).
- 1998, October 8. 1998 Aga Khan Architecture Award.
- 35p La Alhambra, Granada.
- 1998, October 9. World Stamp Day.
- 1998, October 13. America Stamp. Famous Women.
- 70p Portrait of Maria Guerrero.
- 1998, October 28. 150th Anniversary of Spanish Railways.
- 35p Locomotives of 1848 and 1998.
- 1998, November 6. 10th Anniversary of King Juan Carlos I Spanish Antarctic Base.
- 35p View of King Juan Carlos I Spanish Antarctic Base.
- 1998, November 11. The Cathedral of San Salvador, Zaragoza.
- 35p Upper left part of carving.
- 35p Lower right part of carving.
These two stamps were issued, together, in a miniature sheet.
- 1998, November 13. Christmas Stamps.
- 35p Chestnut seller, Seco.
- 70p "Desposorios" (sculpture, Cathedral of Oviedo).
- 1998, November 20. 400th Anniversary of the
Foundation of New Mexico.
- 35p Horsemen and portrait of Juan de Onate.
- 70p Map and arms.
- 1998, November 23. Route of the Ways to Sepharad.
- 35p Hervas, Caceres.
- 35p Toledo.
- 70p Tudela, Navarra.
- 70p Segovia.
- 1998, December 2. Alaior - Menorca Biosphere Reserve.
- 35p View of Alaior - Menorca Biosphere Reserve.
- 1998, December 9. 30th Anniversary of the Spanish
Olympic Academy.
- 70p Bust of Plato, and Greek ceramic jug.
- 1998, December 10. 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- 35p Portrait of Angel Sanz Briz (Spanish ambassador).
- 70p Emblems of Human Rights.
- 1998, December 29. "Espana 2000" International Stamp Exhibition. Horses. Series 1.
- 20p Horse.
- 35p Horse.
- 70p Horse.
- 100p Horse.
- 150p Horse.
- 185p Horse.
- 1999, January 28. Spanish Fauna in Danger of Extinction.
- 35p Giant Lizard of El Hierro.
- 70p Sea Eagle.
- 100p Fulmar.
- 1999, February 22. "Xacobeo `99".
- 35p Stone Cross, Paradela (Lugo).
- 70p Door of the Church of St. James, Sanguesa (Navarra).
- 100p Stone Cross and bridge, Pamplona (Navarra).
- 185p Stone Pillar of Boadilla del Camino (Palencia).
- 1999, March 11. Sports. Centenary of the Foundation
of the Barcelona Soccer Club.
- 1999, March 12. "Juvenia `99".
- 1999, March 26. 175th Anniversary of the Spanish Police.
- 35p Policeman on Motor Scooter.
- 1999, April 9. "Exfilna" Stamp Exhibition. Miniature sheet.
- 185p La Aljaferia Palace, Zaragoza.
- 1999, April 16. 50th Anniversary of the Spanish
Union of Radio Aficionados.
- 70p Radio Communications Emblems.
- 1999, April 30. Sports. 7th World Athletics Championships, Seville.
- 1999, May 5. Europa Stamp. Nature Reserves and Parks.
- 70p Monfrague Natural Park, Caceres.
- 1999, May 7. Railways. 75th Anniversary of the Barcelona Underground.
- 1999, May 14. Spanish Art. The Age of Man. Palencia.
- 35p Pedrela B. de Campos (Palencia).
- 70p Reja de la Catedral (Palencia).
- 1999, May 28. Introduction of the Euro Currency.
- 166p Flag of the European Union.
- 166p Flag on map of Germany.
- 166p Flag on map of Austria.
- 166p Flag on map of Belgium.
- 166p Flag on map of Spain.
- 166p Flag on map of Finland.
- 166p Flag on map of France.
- 166p Flag on map of the Netherlands.
- 166p Flag on map of Ireland.
- 166p Flag on map of Italy.
- 166p Flag on map of Luxembourg.
- 166p Flag on map of Portugal.
These twelve stamps were issued, together, in a sheetlet.
The explanation of this unusual face value seems to be
that it is equivalent to one Euro.
- 1999, June 7. Sports. 110th Anniversary of the Huelva Recreation Club.
- 35p Soccer players and emblem.
- 1999, June 11. Comic Strips.
- 35p "Dona Urraca".
- 70p "El Coyote".
- 1999, June 18. World University Games, Palma de Mallorca. Miniature sheet.
- 1999, June 25. 400th Anniversary of the Defence of Gran Canaria.
- 70p Arms and battle scene.
- 1999, July 2. National Inns.
- 35p Cangas de Onis Hotel.
- 1999, July 12. Anniversaries.
- 35p Bridge (800th anniversary of the foundation of Villa de Balmaseda).
- 70p "100" (centenary of the General Society of Authors and Editors).
- 70p "Font Magica" (centenary of the birth of Carles Buigas).
- 100p Portrait and map of the Iberian peninsula
(150th anniversary of the Geological Mapping Commission of Madrid).
- 1999, July 16. 900th Anniversary of the Death of El Cid Campeador. Series 1.
- 35p Portrait of El Cid Campeador (Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar).
- 1999, September 10. Spanish Art. Series 2. Paintings by Jose Vela Zanetti.
- 70p "Winter".
- 150p "The Harvest".
- 1999, September 24. 400th Anniversary of the Birth of Diego de Velazquez. Paintings.
- 35p "El Bufon D.S. De Morra".
- 70p "Una Sibila".
- 1999, September 30. International Year of Older Persons.
- 1999, October 1. The area of the Catalonian Lower Pyrenees.
- 1999, October 8. Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites.
- 35p San Milan de la Cogolla.
- 70p San Milan de la Cogolla.
- 1999, October 9. Stamp Day. 125th Anniversary
of the Universal Postal Union.
- 70p U.P.U. Monument, Berne.
- 1999, October 13. School Correspondence Stamps.
- 20p "Cumplimos 150 anos".
- 20p "Recorremos el mundo".
- 20p "Llegamos juntos".
- 20p "Escribeme".
- 20p "Ama la lectura".
- 20p "Vive la naturaleza".
- 20p "Te mostramos el patrimonio".
- 20p "Te acercamos la pintura".
- 20p "Jugamos Contigo".
- 20p "Sentimos La Musica".
- 20p "Y ademas nos coleccionan".
- 20p "Os esperamos".
These twelve stamps were issued in a sheetlet.
- 1999, October 15. America Stamp. For a New Millennium without Arms.
- 1999, October 18. International Congress of Museums.
- 70p "El cambista y su mujer".
- 1999, November 3. "Espana 2000" International Stamp Exhibition. Horses. Series 2.
- 20p Horse.
- 35p Horse and seal.
- 70p Exhibition emblem.
- 100p Horse.
- 150p Horses.
- 185p Horses.
- 1999, November 5. Christmas Stamps.
- 35p Retable, "Adoration of the Magi", from Toledo Cathedral.
- 70p Classical Nativity scene.
- 2000, January 3. 150th Anniversary of the First Spanish Stamp.
- 35p 12 cuartos stamp of 1850, and King Juan Carlos I.
- 35p 6 cuartos stamp of 1850, and King Juan Carlos I.
- 35p 5 reales stamp of 1850, and King Juan Carlos I.
- 35p 6 reales stamp of 1850, and King Juan Carlos I.
- 35p 6 cuartos stamp of 1850, and anniversary emblem.
- 35p 10 reales stamp of 1850, and King Juan Carlos I.
- 35p Arms and King Juan Carlos I.
These stamps were issued, together, in sheetlets of 12
stamps, with some designs featured twice.
- 2000, January 31. Spanish Fauna in Danger of Extinction. Butterflies.
- 35p Parnassius apollo.
- 70p Agriades zullichi.
- 2000, February 4. 500th Anniversary of the First
Printing Press in the Monastery of St. Maria de Montserrat.
- 35p Monastery and Figures.
- 2000, February 24. 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Carlos V.
Joint issue with Belgium.
- 35p Portrait of Carlos V.
- 70p Portrait of Carlos V.
- 150p Carlos V on horseback (Miniature sheet).
- 2000, March 24. The Age of Man.
- 70p Our Lady of Majesty, Astorga Cathedral.
- 100p Lignum Crucis, Astorga Cathedral Museum.
- 2000, April 7. Tourist Hotels.
- 35p Sos de Rey Catolico Hotel.
- 2000, April 12. Anniversaries.
- 35p 700th Anniversary of the University of Lleida.
- 70p 500th Anniversary of the University of Valencia.
- 2000, April 28. Centenary of the Royal Spanish Sports Club of Barcelona.
- 2000, May 4. Queen Mercedes de Borbon y Orleans Commemoration.
- 35p Portrait of Queen Mercedes de Borbon y Orleans (1910 - 2000).
- 2000, May 9. Europa Stamp.
- 2000, May 25. Sciences.
- 35p Arms (300th anniversary of the Royal Academy of Medicine, Seville).
- 70p Portrait of Julio Rey Pastor (World Mathematics Year).
- 100p Building (150th anniversary of the School of Pharmacy, Granada).
- 185p Building (City of the Arts and Sciences, Granada).
- 2000, May 26. Comic Strips.
- 35p "Las Hermanas Gilda" (Vazquez).
- 70p "Roberto Alcazar y Pedrin" (E. Vano).
- 2000, June 2. 700th Anniversary of the City of Bilbao.
- 2000, June 9. Spanish Art.
- 70p "Oracion en el Huerto" (painting by Francisco Salzillo).
- 2000, June 16. "Exfilna 2000" Stamp Exhibition, Aviles (Asturias). Miniature sheet.
- 2000, June 19. Trees.
- 70p Wild Pine.
- 150p Holm Oak.
- 2000, June 23. Folk Festivals.
- 35p Passage of the Fire, San Pedro Manrique, Soria.
- 70p 700th Anniversary of the Festival of St. Joan, Ciutadella, Menorca.
- 2000, June 26. The Blessed Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer.
- 70p Portrait of The Blessed Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer (founder of Opus Dei).
- 2000, July 14. 500th Anniversary of Juan de la Cosa's Map. Miniature sheet.
- 150p Juan de la Cosa's Map.
- 2000, July 28. "Espana 2000" World Stamp Exhibition. Horses. Series 3.
- 20p Horse.
- 35p Horse.
- 70p Horse.
- 100p Horse.
- 150p Horse.
- 185p Horse.
- 2000, September 21. World Heritage Sites.
- 35p Las Medulas, Leon.
- 70p Monte Perdido, Pirineos.
- 150p Palau de la Musica, Barcelona.
- 2000, September 22. Correspondence in Schools. History of Spain. Series 1.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Child with spray can.
- 20p Galley.
- 20p Three question marks.
- 20p Man wearing horned helmet.
- 20p Figure.
- 20p Elephant.
- 20p Ancient Greeks.
- 20p Soldiers with shields.
- 20p Soccer game with whole team standing in goal.
- 20p Columns.
- 20p Four figures.
These twelve stamps were issued in a sheetlet.
- 20p Five figures.
- 20p Three figures.
- 20p Crescent on map of the Iberian peninsula.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Three large and two small figures.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Scene.
- 20p Reading a newspaper.
- 20p Soldier and castle.
- 20p Symbols.
- 20p Scene.
These twelve stamps were issued in a sheetlet.
- 2000, October 6. "Espana 2000" World Stamp Exhibition.
- 200p Music: Julio Iglesias (Miniature sheet).
- 200p Music: Alejandro Sanz (Miniature sheet).
- 200p Cinema: Antonio Banderas (Miniature sheet).
- 200p Fashion: Jesus del Pozo (Miniature sheet).
- 200p Sport: Miguel Indurain (Miniature sheet).
- 200p Sport: Raul (Miniature sheet).
- 200p Dance: Joaquin Cortes (Miniature sheet)
- 200p Dance: Sara Baras (Miniature sheet).
- 200p Television: 150th Anniversary of the First Spanish Postage Stamp (Miniature sheet).
- 200p Radio (Miniature sheet).
- 200p The Press (Miniature sheet).
- 2000, October 19. America Stamp. Campaign against A.I.D.S.
- 70p and
0,42. Child painting "S.I.D.S." on wall.
- 2000, October 27. Famous People.
- 70p and
0,42. Portrait of Alfredo Kraus (tenor).
- 2000, November 9. Christmas Stamps.
- 35p "Secuncias de un Belen".
- 70p and
0,42. "Nativity" (Conrad von Soest).
- 2000, November 10. Pictorial Stamp.
- 35p Porch of Santa Maria la Real, Aranda de Duero.
- 2000, November 17. Spanish Literature.
- 35p and
0,21. "Entre Naranjos".
- 70p and
0,42. "La Venganza de Don Mendo".
- 100p and
0,60. "El Alcalde de Zalamea".
- 2000, November 20. Definitive Stamp. King Juan Carlos I.
- 20p Magenta and gold. King Juan Carlos I.
- 2001, January 8. 75th Anniversary of the Spanish Official College of Commercial Agents.
- 40p and
0,24. Portrait.
2001, January 19. Firefighting Corps.
- 75p and
0,45. Symbolic design.
- 2001, February 16. 150th Anniversary of the Infantry College of Toledo.
- 120p and
0,72. Soldier, building and emblem.
- 2001, February 22. International Campaign against Domestic Violence.
- 155p and
0,93. Symbolic design.
- 2001, March 2. Stamp Day.
- 155p and
0,93. First Spanish postal sign, Mayorga (Valladolid).
- 2001, March 9. Youth Stamp. "Juvenia 2001" National Youth
Philatelic Exhibition. Chiclana de la Frontera, Cadiz.
- 120p and
0,72. Young people and sailing boat.
- 2001, March 16. Tourist Hotels.
- 40p and
0,24. Plasencia Hotel.
- 2001, March 22. Famous People.
- 40p and
0,24. Joaquin Rodrigo.
- 75p and
0,45. Rafael Alberti.
- 2001, April 20. Castles.
- 40p and
0,24. La Zuda Castle, Tortosa, Tarragona.
- 75p and
0,45. Jadraque Castle, Guadalajara.
- 155p and
0,93. San Fernando Castle, Gerona.
- 260p and
1,56. Montesquiu Castle, Barcelona.
- 2001, April 23. Day of the Book.
- 40p and
0,24. Stylized flower.
- 2001, April 26. 75th Anniversary of Spanish First Flights.
- 40p and
0,24. Dornier Wal "Plus Ultra" on flight to Argentina, 1926.
- 75p and
0,45. "Patrulla Elcano" on flight to the Philippines, 1926.
- 155p and
0,93. Dornier Wal "Patrulla Atlantida" on flight to Equatorial Guinea, 1926.
- 260p and
1,56. Commemorative flight of the C.295.
These four stamps were issued, together, in a miniature sheet.
- 2001, April 27. 150th Anniversary of the Grand Theatre, Liceu.
- 120p and
0,72. Auditorium.
- 2001, May 4. Definitive Stamp. King Juan Carlos I.
- 40p and
0,24. Green and black. King Juan Carlos I.
- 2001, May 9. Europa Stamp. Water, Natural Treasure.
- 75p and
0,45. Patio de la Acequia, Granada.
- 2001, May 17. Architecture.
- 40p and
0,24. Church of St. Martin de Noia, Coruna.
- 75p and
0,45. Tui Cathedral, Pontevedra.
- 155p and
0,93. Palomar de Villaconcha de Frechilla, Palencia.
- 2001, May 26. City of Villa de Luarca.
- 40p and
0,24. View of port, Villa de Luarca.
- 2001, June 1. 400th Anniversary of the Death of Cardinal Rodrigo de Castro.
- 40p and
0,24. Statue and building.
- 2001, June 13. Spanish Literature.
- 75p and
0,45. Portrait of Leopoldo Alas ("Clarin") and scene from one of his works.
- 2001, June 15. Definitive Stamp. King Juan Carlos I.
- 100p and
0,60. Red and black. King Juan Carlos I.
- 2001, June 22. Trees.
- 40p and
0,24. Olive Tree.
- 75p and
0,45. Beech Tree.
- 2001, June 28. Definitive Stamps. King Juan Carlos I.
- 5p and
0,03. Red and black. King Juan Carlos I.
- 75p and
0,45. Blue and black. King Juan Carlos I.
- 2001, July 6. 25th Anniversary of the Royal Soccer Cup.
- 40p and
0,24. Emblem.
- 2001, July 10. Folk Festivals.
- 40p and
0,24. Cipotegato, Tarazona, Zaragoza.
- 120p and
0,72. Giants of Pi, Barcelona.
- 2001, July 13. Spanish Literature. 400th Anniversary of the Birth of Baltasar Gracian.
- 120p and
0,72. Portrait of Baltasar Gracian.
- 2001, July 20. Spanish Art. The Ages of Man.
- 120p and
0,72. "Our Lady of Calvary", Zamora Cathedral.
- 155p and
0,93. "Cimborrio", Zamora Cathedral.
- 2001, July 26. Social Activities.
- 40p and
0,24. Child looking up (Grandparents' Day).
- 75p and
0,45. Nun and building ("Siervas de Jesus" Assistance to the Needy).
- 2001, September 5. Salamanca, European City of Culture, 2002.
- 75p and
0,45. View of Salamaca at night.
- 2001, September 7. Consecration of the Basilica of Covadonga.
- 40p and
0,24. View of the Basilica of Covadonga.
- 2001, September 15. State Postal and Telegraphic Company.
- 40p and
0,24. Postal Emblem.
- 2001, September 21. "Exfilna" Stamp Exhibition. Miniature sheet.
- 260p and
1,56. View of Vigo in the style of an old stamp.
- 2001, October 4. Millenary of the Birth of St. Domingo of Silos.
- 40p and
0,24. Woodcut.
This stamp was also issued in two miniature sheets, each with different margins.
- 2001, October 9. World Stamp Day. Dialogue between Civilisations.
- 120p and
0,72. Figures, globe and forms of communication.
- 2001, October 15. America Stamp. U.N.E.S.C.O. World Heritage.
- 155p and
0,93. Ses Salines Nature Reserve, Ibiza y Formentera.
- 2001, October 19. Correspondence in Schools. History of Spain. Series 2.
- 25p and
0,15. Christopher Columbus.
- 25p and
0,15. The Treaty of Tordesillas.
- 25p and
0,15. King Carlos I.
- 25p and
0,15. Guitar.
- 25p and
0,15. Juan Sebastian Elcano.
- 25p and
0,15. Francisco Pizarro.
- 25p and
0,15. King Philip II.
- 25p and
0,15. El Escorial.
- 25p and
0,15. Lepanto.
- 25p and
0,15. Flying figures.
- 25p and
0,15. Lope de Vega.
- 25p and
0,15. King Philip III.
These twelve stamps were issued in a sheetlet.
- 2001, October 25. Bullfighting. Miniature sheet.
- 260p and
1,56. Francisco Romero Lopez, Curro Romero, fighting bull.
- 2001, November 8. Christmas Stamps. Joint issue with Germany.
- 40p and
0,24. "Virgin and Child" (painting by Alfredo Roldan).
- 75p and
0,45. "Adoration of the Shepherds" (painting by Jose de Ribera).
These two stamps were also issued, together, in a miniature
sheet, along with the two corresponding German stamps.
- 2001, November 14. Manuel de Falla Commemoration.
- 75p and
0,45. Musical score.
- 2001, November 20. Comic Strips.
- 40p and
0,24. "Josep Coll i Coll".
- 75p and
0,45. "Rompetechos".
- 2001, November 23. Carlos Cano Commemoration.
- 40p and
0,24. Portrait of Carlos Cano.
- 2001, November 27. International Day of Social Volunteers.
- 120p and
0,72. Volunteer's hands and flowers.
- 2001, November 30. World Heritage.
- 40p and
0,24. Roman Church, Valle de Boi.
- 40p and
0,24. El Misteri d'Ila.
- 40p and
0,24. Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona.
- 40p and
0,24. Old map of San Cristobal de la Laguna.
- 40p and
0,24. Archaeological site, Atapuerca.
- 40p and
0,24. Palmeral de Elche.
- 40p and
0,24. Historic site, Oviedo.
- 40p and
0,24. Roman walls, Lugo.
- 40p and
0,24. Cave paintings.
- 40p and
0,24. Biodiversity and culture, Ibiza.
- 40p and
0,24. Roman city, Tarraco.
- 40p and
0,24. Alcala de Henares University.
These twelve stamps were issued, together, in a miniature sheet.
- 2001, December 11. 150th Anniversary of the Ministerio de Fomento. Maps of Spain.
- 40p and
0,24. Post Office automation.
- 75p and
0,45. Ports.
- 120p and
0,72. High speed railways.
- 155p and
0,93. Airports.
- 260p and
1,56. Highways.
These five stamps were issued, together, in a miniature sheet.
- 2001, December 14. 25th Anniversary of the Reign of King Juan Carlos I.
- 40p and
0,24. Portrait.
- 40p and
0,24. Portrait.
- 40p and
0,24. Arms.
- 40p and
0,24. Portrait.
- 75p and
0,45. Portrait of King Juan Carlos I.
- 75p and
0,45. Portrait.
- 260p and
1,56. Castle.
These seven stamps were issued, together, in a miniature sheet.
- 2002, January 2. Definitive Stamps. King Juan Carlos I.
0,01. Black and silver. King Juan Carlos I.
0,05. Blue and silver. King Juan Carlos I.
0,10. Green and silver. King Juan Carlos I.
0,25. Red and silver. King Juan Carlos I.
0,50. Black and silver. King Juan Carlos I.
0,75. Purple and silver. King Juan Carlos I.
1,00. Green and silver. King Juan Carlos I.
2,00. Red and silver. King Juan Carlos I.
- 2002, January 2. Spanish Presidency of the European Union.
0,25. Spanish Emblem.
0,50. Spanish Emblem.
- 2002, January 25. Trees.
0,50. Juniperus phoenicea de El Hierro).
0,75. Ulmus minor Mill de Navaja s).
- 2002, February 20. Flowers.
0,25. Flowers.
0,25. Flower in vase.
0,25. Hands holding rose.
0,25. Iris in vase.
0,25. Flowers.
0,25. Rose in vase.
0,25. Flower.
0,25. Flower.
These eight stamps were issued in a self-adhesive booklet.
- 2002, February 22. "Espana 2002" World Youth Stamp Exhibition, Salamanca.
0,50. Emblem.
1,80. Emblem and buildings (Miniature sheet).
- 2002, February 25. Anniversaries.
0,25. Portrait of Padre Piquer (300th anniversary).
0,75. Emblem (centenary of Real Madrid Soccer Club).
- 2002, February 26. "Philaiberia `02" Stamp Exhibition, Tarazona.
Miniature sheet.
2,10. Portico del Ayuntamiento.
- 2002, February 27. Alejandro Mon Commemoration.
0,25. Portrait of Alejandro Mon.
- 2002, February 28. Homage to the Peseta.
0,25. Coin.
- 2002, March 8. Nature.
0,75. Ribeira Sacra, Canons do Sil.
2,10. Cabo de Gata - Nijar National Park.
- 2002, March 15. 75th Anniversary of the Zaragoza General Military Academy.
0,25. Soldiers on Parade.
- 2002, March 22. Sports. Centenary of the Royal Irun Football Club.
0,50. Badge and flag.
- 2002, March 25. Stamp Day. Stamp Collecting.
0,25. Symbols of stamp collecting.
- 2002, April 8. Spanish Castles.
0,25. Banyeres de Mariola.
0,50. Soutomaior.
0,75. Calatorao.
- 2002, April 12. Anniversaries.
0,75. City scene (1200th anniversary of the foundation of Tudela).
1,80. Archways (1000th Anniversary of the Monastery of Sant Cugat).
- 2002, May 8. Anniversaries.
0,50. Portrait of Luis Cernuda (centenary of his birth).
0,50. Portrait of Dr. Federico
Rubio y Gali (175th anniversary of his birth).
- 202, May 9. Europa Stamp. The Circus.
0,50. Child's drawing.
- 2002, May 10. Bicentenary of the Reincorporation of Menorca into Spain.
0,50. Horsemen.
- 2002, May 11. World Equestrian Games.
0,25. Enganches.
0,25. Raid.
0,25. Doma.
0,25. Reining.
0,25. Volteo.
0,75. Completo.
1,80. Saltos.
These seven stamps were issued, together, in a miniature sheet.
- 2002, May 31. "La Dolores".
0,50. Scene and portrait.
- 2002, June 7. "Exfilna" Stamp Exhibition.
0,25. Left side of courtyard.
0,25. Centre of courtyard.
0,25. Right side of courtyard.
1,80. Buildings.
These four stamps were issued, together, in a miniature sheet.
- 2002, June 10. 75th Anniversary of the First Airmail Flight in Iberia.
0,25. Rohrbach "R-VIII Roland" airplane.
0,50. Boeing "747" airplane.
- 2002, July 27. Grapes and Wine.
0,25. Rias Baixas.
- 2002, September 20. Grapes and Wine.
0,50. Calificada Rioja.
0,75. Manzanilla - Sanlucar de Barrameda.
- 2002, September 27. Correspondence in Schools. History of Spain. Series 3.
0,10. Scene from history.
0,10. Scene from history.
0,10. Scene from history.
0,10. Scene from history.
0,10. Scene from history.
0,10. Scene from history.
0,10. Scene from history.
0,10. Scene from history.
0,10. Scene from history.
0,10. Scene from history.
0,10. Scene from history.
0,10. Scene from history.
These twelve stamps were issued, together, in a miniature sheet.
- 2002, September 27. 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Antonio Gaudi.
0,50. Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia.
- 2002, September 30. Paintings of Musicians.
0,25. Painting of musicians.
0,25. Painting of musicians.
0,25. Painting of musicians.
0,25. Painting of musicians.
0,25. Painting of musicians.
0,25. Painting of musicians.
0,25. Painting of musicians.
0,25. Painting of musicians.
These eight stamps were issued in a self-adhesive booklet.
- 2002, October 14. America Stamp. Education and Literacy.
- 2002, October 25. Millenary of the Death of Almanzor.
0,75 Mezquita de Cordoba.
- 2002, November 4. "Dijous Bo".
0,75 Cesto de Compra.
- 2002, November 8. World Heritage.
0,25. Cultural scene, Aranjuez.
0,25. Santa Maria, Calatayud.
0,50. San Martin, Teruel.
0,75. Santa Maria de Tobed, Zaragoza.
1,80. Santa Tecla Church, Cervera de la Canada.
1,80. Santa Tecla Church, Cervera de la Canada.
2,10. San Pablo, Zaragoza.
These six stamps were issued, together, in a miniature sheet.
- 2002, November 15. Tourist Hotels.
0,25 Alcaniz.
- 2002, November 18. "Espana 2002" Stamp Exhibition, Salamanca.
0,50. Logo.
0,75. Cinema.
0,75. Television.
0,75. Radio.
0,75. Newspapers.
0,75. Sports.
0,75. Music.
0,75. Captain Alatriste (Comic Strips).
1,80. Cartel.
These nine stamps were also issued, together, in a miniature sheet.
0,50 and
1,80 stamps were not issued separately.
- 2002, November 25. Arts.
0,75. Church of San Jorge, Alcoy.
- 2002, November 27. Arts.
0,50. Herreria de Compludo, Leon.
0,50. Vidrieras Artisticas Sta. de Vitoria (Miniature sheet).
- 2002, November 29. Arts.
0,25. Cruceiro do Hio, Cangas do Morrazo.
- 2002, November 29. Christmas Stamps.
0,25. "Adoration of the Kings" Retable (Calzadilla de Barros).
0,50. Modern parents and child.
- 2003, January 17. Tunel de Somport por Carretera.
0,51. View.
- 2003, January 20. Popular Festivals.
0,76. Traje Tipico Ansotano.
- 2003, January 21. World Leprosy Day.
0,26. Flower.
- 2003, February 14. 200th Anniversary of the Death of Conde de Campomanes.
0,26. Portrait of Conde de Campomanes.
- 2003, February 21. "Juvenia 2003".
0,51. Buildings.
- 2003, March 11. Centenary of the Death of Praxedes Mateo Sagasta.
0,26. Portrait of Praxedes Mateo Sagasta, and building.
- 2003, March 17. Centenary of "ABC".
2,15. Logo.
- 2003, March 20. Nobel Prizes.
0,51. Portrait of Santiago Ramon y Cajal, and symbol.
0,76. Double helix and portrait of Severo Ochoa.
- 2003, March 21. Bicentenary of the School of Engineering.
0,26. Bridge.
0,51. Landscape.
0,76. Harbour.
These three stamps were issued, together, in a miniature sheet.
0,26 stamp was also available separately.
- 2003, March 26. Centenary of "La Verdad".
0,26. Logo.
- 2003, March 28. Landscape Paintings by Chico Montilla.
Self-adhesive booklet stamps.
0,26. Landscape painting.
0,26. Landscape painting.
0,26. Landscape painting.
0,26. Landscape painting.
0,26. Landscape painting.
0,26. Landscape painting.
0,51. Landscape painting.
0,76. Landscape painting.
- 2003, March 31. Ramon J. Sender Commemoration.
2,15. Logo and portrait of Ramon J. Sender.
- 2003, March. 75th Anniversary of Jaen Tourist Hotel.
- 2003, April 3. Homage to Rural Schools.
- 2003, April 7. "Exfilna 2003", Granada. Miniature sheet.
- 2003, April 11. Villa Milenaria, Aviles.
- 2003, April 11. Stamp Day. 25th Anniversary of the Spanish Philatelic Academy.
- 2003, April 24. Europa Stamp. Poster Art.
- 2003, April 25. Centenary of the Madrid Athletic Club.
- 2003, May 5. Roman Theatre, Zaragoza.
- 2003, May 8. European Year of Disabled Persons, 2003.
- 2003, May 17. Castles. 500th Anniversary of the Battles of Cerinola and Garellano.
0,26. Castillo de San Felipe, Ferrol, Coruna.
0,51. Castillo - Palacio de Cuellar, Segovia.
0,76. Castillo de Montilla, Cordoba.
- 2003, May 23. 10th World Swimming Championships, Barcelona.
These five stamps are to be issued, together, in a miniature sheet.
- 2003, June 2. Centenary of the Birth of Max Aub.
- 2003, June 4. Centenary of Sports Sabadell F.C.
- 2003, June 16. 135th Anniversary of Diario de Cadiz.
- 2003, June 27. Centenary of the Royal Automobile Club of Spain.
- 2003, June. Juan Bravo Murillo Commemoration.
- 2003, July 4. Centenary of Diario Montanes.
- 2003, July 11. Centenary of Diario de Navarra.
- 2003, July 22. 800th Anniversary of Vella de Lleida.
- 2003, July 28. Self-adhesive Booklet Stamps.
- 2003, August 1. 125th Anniversary of El Correo Gallego.
- 2003, September 1. Bicentenary of the Foundation of the Academy of Engineers.
- 2003, September 22. Vinos.
0,26. Vinos y Cavas de Cataluna.
0,51. Montilla Moriles.
0,76. Valdepenas.
1,85. Vinos del Bierzo.
- 2003, September 26. Vidrieras Cathedral, Leon. Miniature sheet.
- 2003, September. World Vela Championships, Cadiz.
- 2003, October 3. Trees.
- 2003, October 14. America Stamp.
- 2003, October. Centenary of the Royal Geographical Society. Miniature sheet.
- 2003, October. National Geological Map.
- 2003, October. Centenary of Aviation.
- 2003, November 3. Centenaries.
0,26. 150th Anniversary of Faro de Vigo.
0,26. 103rd Anniversary of Correo de Andalucia.
0,26. 120th Anniversary of Voz de Galicia.
- 2003, November 10. Christmas Stamps.
0,26. Reyes Magos de Alcoy.
- 2003, November 17. Conjuntos Historicos Maestrazgo de Teruel.
- 2003, November. Holy Year, 2003.
0,76. Vera Cruz de Caravaca.
- 2003, November. Camilo Jose Cela Commemoration.
- 2003, December 5. 25th Anniversary of the Spanish Constitution.
- 2003. Luis Seoane Commemoration.
Spanish Philatelic Links.
Jordi Vasquez maintains a Spanish new issue web site at
Correos y Telegrafos Espana keep information on
new issues at
Information on the automatic machine stamps of Spain is available
on Josep Jove's web site at
I wish to thank Emilio Corral Maqueda for his assistance
with New Issues on this page.
I also wish to thank Gonzalo del Pozo for his assistance
with New Issues on this page.
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