Worldwide Stamp New Issues - Somalia.
Last updated 1 April 2002.
Some of the information presented here is deduced from stamps in my own collection.
Some sets mentioned here may contain other values not noted.
WARNING: To the best of my knowledge, all stamps inscribed "Somali Republic" are considered
"illegal issues" by the Universal Postal Union. I am unaware as to which, if
any, of the stamps listed on this page are considered legitimate.
- 1998. Ducks.
- 100s Anser anser.
- 200s Malacorhynchus membranaceus.
- 300s Anas cyanoptera.
- 400s Nettapus auritus.
- 500s Mergellus albellus.
- 700s Dendrocygna eytoni.
Other values may exist.
- 1998. Animals.
- 100s Tragelaphus strepsiceros.
- 100s Galago senegalensis.
- 200s Okapia johnstoni.
- 300s Kobus ellipsiprythmos.
- 500s Dendroaspis polylepis.
- 500s Papio hamadryas.
- 600s Luscina megarhynchos.
I wish to thank Jan-Martin Hertzsch for bringing the
above stamps to my attention. Other values may exist.
- 1998. Butterflies.
- 100s Melanargia galathea.
- 200s Lycaena phlaeas.
- 300s Charaxes jasius.
- 400s Colias crocea.
- 500s Plebejus argus.
- 700s Agaphetes galatea.
- 1000s Iphiclides podalirius (Miniature sheet).
I wish to thank Marek Perepeczo for bringing the above series to my attention.
- 1998, October 21. The World Wide Fund for Nature. The Caracal.
Somali Philatelic Links.
Information on the World Wide Fund for Nature issue
is available from Eurofila from their web site at
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