Worldwide Stamp New Issues - The Azores.
Last updated April 2003.
Firstly I wish to thank C.T.T. Portugal for their permission to
use information taken from their web site.
Click here to visit the C.T.T. Portugal web site.
- 1997, April 16. Golden Carved Work.
- 49E Church of Sao Pedro.
- 80E Church of the Convent of Sao Pedro Alcantara.
- 100E Church of the Ancient College of Jesuits.
- 140E Church of Sao Joseph.
- 1997, May 5. Europa Stamp. Myths and Legends.
- 1998, January 28. Centenary of the Death of Roberto Ivens.
- 140E Portrait of Roberto Ivens (scientist and explorer).
- 1998, May 21. Europa Stamp. National Festivals.
- 100E The Cult of the Holy Spirit.
- 1998, August 4. The Azores Sea.
- 50E Underwater scene.
This stamp was issued both in sheets and in booklets.
- 140E Underwater scene.
- 1999, May 5. Europa Stamp. National Parks.
- 100E and
0,50. Natural Reserve of the Pico Mountain.
- 1999, September 3. Contemporary Paintings.
- 51E and
0,25. Market scene.
- 95E and
0,47. Portrait.
- 100E and
0,50. City scene.
- 140E and
0,70. Landscape.
These four stamps were also issued, together, in a stamp booklet.
- 2000, May 9. Europa Stamp.
- 100E and
0,50. Children and Stars.
This stamp was also issued in a miniature sheet of three stamps.
- 2000, September 9. The History of Mail delivered by Buoys and Zeppelins.
- 85E and
0,42. Mail by buoy.
- 140E and
0,70. Mail by zeppelin.
- 2001, May 9. Europa Stamp. Water, a Natural Resource.
- 105E and
0,52. Symbolic design.
This stamp was also issued in a miniature sheet of three stamps.
- 2001, June 4. Angra do Heroismo World Heritage Site.
- 53E and
0,26. Statues and town.
- 85E and
0,42. Monument and town.
- 140E and
0,70. Doorway and town.
- 350E and
1,75. (Miniature sheet).
- 2002, May 9. Europa Stamp. The Circus.
0,54. Poster of a clown's face.
This stamp was also issued in a miniature sheet of three examples.
- 2002, May 20. Flowers.
0,28. Scablosa nitens.
0,45. Viburnum tinus ssp. subcordatum.
0,54. Euphorbia azorica.
0,70. Lysimachia nemorum ssp. azorica.
1,15. Azorina vidalli.
1,75. Senecio malvifolius.
These last two stamps were issued, together, in a miniature sheet.
1,15. Bellis azorica.
1,75. Spergularia azorica.
- 2002, July 12. Windmills. Joint issue with Belgium.
0,43. Windmill of the Azores.
0,54. Windmill of Belgium.
- 2003, May 5. Europa Stamp. Poster Art.
0,55. Poster by Sebastiao Rodrigues.
This stamp was also issued in a miniature sheet of two examples.
- 2003, June 6. Heritage of the Azores.
Azores Philatelic Links
New issue information for the Azores is available
from the C.T.T. Portugal web site at
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